Plastic artist, Catalina Acebedo López.
She performed studies in Marketing and Advertising, as well as Visual Arts (painting and sculpting) at the Technological University of Pereira.
As an Artist is born in a moment of chaos, instability and fear. This situation leads the artist to find refuge and become involved in the universe of art by reaching a dose of peace, love and inexhaustible creativity; understanding art in everyday life. It is at this point that she starts a journey exploring techniques and materials.
This new path leads the artist to be in constant movement expressing dualities in her work.
Acebedo lives in each piece: La Tiniebla, Como si no fuera con usted, Santo Remedio, Con vista al Anden, No ser una sola cosa… All these versions and many more are found here.
Her enlightened inspiration will always be on the move, discovering a bridge that connects her inner world with the outside, seeking to leave mark as she paths.
- Exposición Galería el Gato Bohemio, Carnavales de la Memoria, (2024)
- Treebal, (2024)
- Galería Arte Aspro, (2024)
- Aperitivo Art, Medellín, (2024)
- Magestic Fine Art Fort lauderdale, (2023)
- Hillside International, (2023)
- Keshetgallery Galdes Road Boca Raton, Florida, (2023)
- Galería CASA NOVA, Bogotá Colombia (2023)
- Galería MAJESTIC Fine ART and GEMS, LLC Florida Estados Unidos (2022)
- La casa Nova Galería de arte Bogotá (2022)
- Manifiesto Urbano Open San Felipe Bogotá Firma de Arte Morbela (2021)
- Galería El Gato, Pandémica, Bogotá (2020)
- Firma De Arte Morvela, World Wide Web Art (2020)
- La Peña Abejorral, Antioquia (2019)
- Heard From, Medellín (2019)
- Fundación Amor & Arte, 5 Puertas, 5 Mujeres, 5 Artistas, Medellín (2019)
- Art Contenedores, Envigado (2019)
- Firma De Arte Morvela, Bogotá (2019)
- Arte-Loft Galería, Medellín (2019)
- Hotel San Fernando Plaza, Medellín (2018)